Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The End Has Come

I will be ending my blog with this last post. I will discuss what I learned about Tim Tebow. I will also mention what I found challenging and rewarding throughout this project.
What did I learn while creating this blog? Well one thing I learned that is related to Tim Tebow is that college football and the NFL differ from each other. Before researching the two I didn't realize that there were any differences. When watching football games now, I could probably point out what the differences are. I also learned about how the New York Jets, Tim's own team, treats him. I didn't realize that he was not appreciated by many of his teammates. Though most of them say that they are glad for Tebow to be on the team, I doubt some of them.
Two difficulties I had while writing this blog was deciding what topics to write about and the timeframe for when the posts had to be published. Deciding what to write about was tough because Tim Tebow is so popular and there is so much information about him. I had a hard time choosing a topic for the comparing and contrasting post because there was no information for my original idea, which was to compare Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez, two of the three quarterbacks for the New York Jets. After looking for information for a long time I just decided to compare the college level of football to the NFL level. The other difficulty I had was the time frame for each post. For some of the posts, a week was given to research the topic, write about it, and publish it. Other posts were given two or three days to go through the same process. With the shorter time periods I felt a little stressed out.
The rewards of creating a blog about Tim Tebow is learning more about him. I read Tim's book, Through My Eyes this past summer. This blog project increased my knowledge about Tim Tebow. I am glad that I got to teach others about one of my role models. Another reward is that this is the end of the blog project. Even though Tim is a great person to research about, I am glad that after this post the blog is complete. I liked learning more about Tim each day but I didn't like writing about basically every new fact learned.
Than you for viewing my blog! I hope I included many new facts about Tim and related to Tim. If you are still interested in learning more about Tim Tebow I encourage you to read his book, Through My Eyes. There are also DVD documentaries out about him too. Of course there is the world wide web to use and learn more about him too.Thank You again for reading this blog.

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